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Проект ALLEXPO.RU является одним из ведущих Интернет-порталов, освещающих выставочную деятельность в России, странах СНГ и за рубежом. С помощью нашего портала Вы узнаете о планах проведения выставок, конференций и семинаров.
Здесь Вы найдете расписание выставок, проходящих на таких крупнейших выставочных площадках Москвы, как: «Крокус Экспо», «Сокольники», «ВВЦ», «Экспоцентр на Красной Пресне» и др. На сайте представлены выставки в Москве , календарь выставок Москвы на 2009, 2010, 2011 и 2012 год, выставок Петербурга и план выставок года за рубежом.
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March, 12 - 15 – the exhibition «FASADE»
The 5-th specialized exhibition "FACADE" was held in Dnepropetrovsk in March 12 -15, 2003, at the premise of Expo-centre "Meteor", which was submitted in two pavilions of the common area more than 7000 sq. m.

The 5-th specialized exhibition "FACADE" was held in Dnepropetrovsk in March 12 -15, 2003, at the premise of Expo-centre "Meteor", which was submitted in two pavilions of the common area more than 7000 sq. m. In the exhibition more than 200 building companies practically from all areas of Ukraine took part, and also the companies from distant and near foreign countries were submitted. The purpose of the "FACADE" exhibition - definition of a status of a building complex and tendencies of its development, presentation of advanced technologies, equipment and materials, their progress on the Ukrainian market, and also establishment and strengthening of the business communications between the enterprises and their customers. The uniqueness of exhibition consists in its precise specialization and absence of analogues in Dnepropetrovsk region.
The basic directions of the exhibition are designing, construction, repair; windows and doors, ladders, a garage gate, jalousie; building ceramics, facing materials; a roof, hydro-, warm-, sound insulation; systems of heating and water supply; ventilation and conditioning; sanitary - technical equipment; the electric and technical equipment, lighting engineering; Russian and Finnish baths, pools; landscape gardening and fountains; tools; means of individual protection; the security and fire signal systems; equipment for the children play-yards, parks and aqua parks.
The exhibition "FACADE" is a necessary component of building, project and innovative activity, both in Dnepropetrovsk, and in other regions of Ukraine. The actuality is caused by the importance of the Dnepropetrovsk region in the submitted subjects, as the region is a congestion of the industrial and building enterprises.
The exhibition was passed with the assistance: the Producing Association "Southern machine-building factory" and Regional state administration.
Preparation for an exhibition was passed in frameworks of carefully developed and planned advertising campaign, both in Dnepropetrovsk, and in other regions of Ukraine, with attracting of conducting specialized and advertising - information mass media.
Expo-center "Meteor" is one of the largest and modern Exhibition-centres in Ukraine, it is located at the central part of Dnepropetrovsk on crossing of transport ways. Expo-center "Meteor" answers all the requirements, produced to the complexes of organization of the international exhibitions.
Expo-center "Meteor" has at the order the exhibition equipment "Оktavius". Height of a ceiling, a safe load on a floor and an engineering hardware of premises gives an opportunity of leading of all communications to stands of exponents.
Expo - center "Meteor" renders all participants of an exhibition the following services free-of-charge cars parking, booking of hotel reservations, accommodation of a running line on the indicator board, loading - unloading works.
The thematic seminars on subjects most interesting to the participants were carried out in the program of the exhibition with the purpose of an exchange of experience, discussion of prospects and ways of the solution of actual problems of development of a building and design branch. Before the exhibition we can give you more detailed information concerning measures and visitors of the exhibition.
The "FACADE" exhibition defines all basic ways of development of a building, design and innovative complex, so becomes the basic place of meeting between the companies and their potential clients.

Источник: Expocenter "Meteor"

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